Friday, August 21, 2009

Matt, Scott 1994

Matt, Scott 1994
Originally uploaded by pipilo
Not much to say today except that it's been a good week. Three days of good school meetings. Well, mostly good. When we talk about teaching and learning, it's good. Administrative stuff, and realizing that we'll be turning away dozens of students for each class at the community colleges, is not good. They even went into procedures to follow if the students get unruly or worse (i.e., call campus security). The situation at the private college where I teach is much better: enrollment is up, classes are full, and students are already returning to campus and moving into their dorms. I'll be teaching all labs, seven of them, until October, when I will pick up a lecture section and two more labs. Should be an interesting and fun semester.

As I was browsing iPhoto and looking for a way to upload photos to blogspot directly, I came across this photo of Matt and Scott, taken about 15 years ago. It made me happy ... well, happier.

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