After almost three weeks in Maine and Massachusetts, I should feel ready for the upcoming semester of teaching. It seems that I'm ready, the syllabus has been written, checked, printed, checked again, edited, and posted online. I just need to print it out tomorrow morning before class. They'd prefer I just make it available to the students online, but I would prefer to make sure that the students hold it in their hands and read it, so there's no question about what I expect from them.
It was a busy few weeks back East, and relaxing at the same time. Lots of driving around to various places, eating out, eating in, sitting on the porch in Maine, poking around at home in Worcester. It was nice visiting, experiencing life and the music scene around Boston, kayaking the lake in southern Massachusetts, playing disc golf at five different courses, ... did I mention relaxing? Now I'm not quite sure I did much of that.
I've signed up for a "Lifetime Fitness" class at the college where I've been teaching for the past 19 years. It's about time I learned what students go thru when they apply for admission to a community college. It didn't take much, just some information over the internet and I was admitted within about 10 minutes. I then was able to sign up for an ID number (which turned out to be the same number I use as a teacher) and then register for my classes. Three steps; I thought it would be just one. $44 for one unit plus a health fee. The class is taught by a good friend who's in the biology and health sciences departments. It's not really a class, just a general admission to the new fitness center, which I've heard is pretty nice.
If I can exercise a few times a week for the whole semester, I'll be in good shape for my upcoming operation in December. Maybe I can start eating right again as well. I managed to lose 20-25 pounds this summer by eating better during June and July, but gained about half of the weight back during the vacation back east. Now that I'm home, I've still not gone back to the "food" diet (see Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food") that allowed me to wear old T-shirts that I had been avoiding due to "shrinkage in the laundry" for 10-15 years. I blame it on the excess amounts of tempting junk food around the house, but that's not entirely accurate. I avoided those same foods before the vacation. Somehow it's not happening now that I'm back on the left coast. Maybe I need to re-read Pollan's book. It motivated me once, perhaps a refresher is in order. We'll see.
Today's photo shows the Temple at Ocean Park, one of my favorite places. I guess I'd call this my home church, even though my visits are rare. Still, I've been going here all my life, so it's part of me and vice versa. Tomorrow I'll head over to the Chapel at Point Loma, where I will resume teaching on Thursday. I'll welcome new students and old, and think about religion and society, and wonder how people think the way they do.